Monday 11 June 2007

King Dreads II

I am just so proud of myself that I have to devote an entire post to this :op Claire sent me the photos from last Saturday. It was one heck of a job and really put all my dreading skills to the test!

Tim has nine-year-old natural dreads that have never been touched! The two main problems were top-frizz/loose hair and congoing at the back (where dreads had grown together to form a solid mat of hair). My job was to sort out the frizz and separate the congoed ones into individual dreads.

The frizz was pretty standard work, it's what most tidy-up session involve, but you could really see the difference:



The congoing was far more tricky. I'm used to merging small dreads to make larger ones, but taking them apart was a whole other kettle of fish, especially when they had got to this state:

What a challenge! It was like cutting through bedding foam, it was so thick and springy. I managed to get about five/six dreads out of the mass. We termed them 'rescue dreads'! :op There were a couple of thinner dreads growing out of the mass. I had to be careful to structure it so that they were left with enough of the thickness to merge into and provide structure (basically so they didn't fall off!). I have to admit to being a bit nervous when I first started, but with a good pair of scissors:

(thanks Claire!) and some patience, we managed to turn Tim into a walking work of art:

What more can I say? Job done :)

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