Thursday 2 August 2007

Poetry Recital

Well, between dissertation and poetry, I’ve been more in the mood for poetry the past few days. I just can't seem to get motivated at all {:o( 

Usually I’ll lose the will to work, potter around for a couple of days, then sit down and write like there's no tomorrow, but, at the moment, the inspiration just don't seem to be happening. The muses have all abandoned me except for Euterpe and Calliope, and even they're taking a coffee break. Was there ever a Muse of Academic Thought or Dissertations? No, that's probably why I’m struggling so much.

I've just swigged my first dose of cholera - that's quite an experience. It comes with a packet of Alker-Seltzer type stuff. You dissolve the fizzy stuff in water, then add the vial of liquid, shake, and drink. The fizzy stuff is flavoured and sweetened to help make it more palatable, but it tasted vile. It's a two-dose course, so another in a week or two. Think I prefer being jabbed.

Aaaanyway, 'nuff whinging. I recorded six of my poems.

[NB 2013: No longer available.]

I wanted to see whether I could say them as I write them. Some poems sound better than they read but most read better than they sound. I prefer my poetry on the page as a private reading in my head, but others seem to prefer to listen. I think I’ve done well but Want was a particularly difficult one to read out-loud. Things I Know seems to have come out best to my mind's eye, but others may disagree. It was fun to do at least... more fun than a dissertation. Which still needs writing.

I am starting to panic as VSO called the other day - they want to send me on a heap of training courses that clash with the handing in of my dissertation. I'm trying to rearrange my diary but my time is not going to be my own for much longer, so I need to get on with it. I refuse to give up my week in Scotland later this month, though. I really need that, even if it does mean sitting in the pub with my laptop.

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